We are here to help you find the best PAS solution for your business. We enable you to call the shots. We are available to help in any way you feel works best for you. Just register as an iBui user – it’s free! Then take advantage of the many benefits available:

We have divided the PAS search process into 18 structured steps or units. We have also created free document and spreadsheet templates that you can use to help navigate and support your PAS search. Download any or all of these free PAS documents. They contain step-by-step narrative document templates and/or sample spreadsheets of what typically a carrier should pursue during each of the 18 phases of a PAS search. Feel free to modify these documents to match your own unique situation and use them as guides for the entire project. Our PAS experts are also available, for a small fee, to lend a hand whenever needed.

  • Phone Support – Call and talk with any of our experts regarding your PAS search activity. If you have questions about the downloaded documents, or need clarification of any the steps, we are always available.
  • Online Support – Online meetings are a great way to save both time and expense when in-person time is not required. If you need training on any aspect of our 18 project units, or guidance on how to best navigate the project, we can help. We can schedule workshops and training sessions online for knowledge transfer with any of our PAS experts.
  • On-Site Support – If your team requires some type of mentoring or direction, our experts are available to go on site and help with anything you may need. We have one and two day on-site workshops available for each of the 18 units.
  • Team Lead – We can also take the lead and manage the entire project for you. The final PAS decision is still yours, but we can lead your team through the entire search portion of your PAS replacement project. We provide your team with the industry intelligence, breadth of experience, technology, and leadership so you can feel comfortable that your decision is the right one for your business.

Our goals are to save you time, expense, and ensure your success when executing your PAS search. We have an immense amount of insider information, which is available from no other source, to help you make the best decision. We have experts, who have intimate experience with every available PAS solution in the marketplace. And we have the technology and vendor contacts to help make your search go smoothly and quickly.