Art has scored many firsts during his working career, been awarded multiple patents, and achieved a great deal of success for his employers and their customers.


  • Founded three software firms that have dramatically reduced costs, improved customer service and created new business opportunities for many life insurance companies
  • Worked closely with carriers to create innovative solutions to complex problems
  • Provided a profound positive impact on increasing carrier sales
  • Enabled a major life insurance company to double business without adding staff while, at the same time, reducing IT costs.
  • Reduced staffing costs by 25% at major Blue Cross agency
  • Implemented a complex annuity product at a major carrier in record time, eliciting a standing ovation from the Board of directors
  • Received the “Chairman’s Award” at major life insurance company for automation effort


The Softlife Corp., Chicago, IL – 2001-2015

Co-Founder & board member

  • Was responsible for all aspects of startup software and consulting firm
  • Created revolutionary (patent pending) “intelligent document” system
  • Performed consulting services for major financial services companies
  • Currently providing advisory services to organization

Trimark Technologies, Inc. Chicago, IL – 1988-1999

Founder and Chief Technology Officer

  • Managed all technical aspects of startup software firm
  • Developed the first client server based insurance administration system
  • System currently manages over $50 billion in assets
  • Granted a patent for the innovative architecture
  • Implemented system in many large financial services companies
  • Supervised staff of 70 employees
  • Company was purchased by PeopleSoft in 1999

Pride-Tech, Inc. Chicago, IL – 1980-1987

Founder and Chief Technology Officer

  • Managed all technical aspects of startup software firm
  • Awarded venture funding from Blair & Co. for startup
  • Created one of the first 4th generation, hardware independent languages
  • Developed and implemented systems at many costumer sites
  • Supervised staff of 40 employees

USAA Life Insurance Co., San Antonio, TX – 1974-1979

Group Manager

  • Responsible for automating startup life insurance company
  • Created innovative direct marketing and proposal systems
  • Installed and modified many vendor software packages


  1. S. Education (mathematics)    University of Cincinnati – 1965