Broker Advisory Services
Information * Intelligence * Insight

ITX is a leading information source on applied and emerging insurance technology. Since our inception in 1994, Broker Advisory Services have been obtained by both “Buyers & Sellers” of insurance processing solutions. Our market focus centers on “Carrier & Vendor” insurance technology sales activity.  In fact, we are the only consultancy monitoring pre-sale vendor activity, vendor system implementations and legacy systems conversion progress. As brokers, we have established a unique industry communication network supported by a diverse customer-base to include carriers, software vendors, service outsourcers, and technical consulting firms.  We have extensive industry experience and a unique perspective of the “point‐of‐sale” and “point‐of‐purchase” procurement process. ITX has no vested interest in a carrier’s technology direction nor do we offer subsequent support services after a vendor decision.

ITX Philosophy –  Carrier clients are the “internal experts” and best suited to direct strategic planning and subsequent vendor assessment activities. We are the “external experts” providing objectivity, vendor insight and a comprehensive system appraisal process.

“Vendor 101 for Smarties”

Broker Advisory Services accelerate strategic vendor assessment projects without expensive external consultants or long term contract engagements. This dynamic “Do‐it‐Yourself” approach allows us to conform to each carrier’s unique environment, project framework and company constraints. Our industry proven “Accelerated Strategic Assessment” foundation via our exclusive Web portal offering individually selectable and accessible ASA service components. These comprehensive support units facilitate vendor identification, expedite evaluation activities, and reduce cost-risk concerns for policy administration platform replacements. Our “Subject¬Matter-Experts” serve as off-site mentor’s providing industry expertise, vendor-client system status and vital industry intelligence. Our unique ”DIY” services supplement carrier project needs, while empowering company personnel to confidently manage major assessment activities at each critical project stage.

Non-Adversary Dispute Resolution

In the event, a prior vendor’s implementation fails or is suspended due to cost overruns, system delivery deficiencies or intolerable project time overages. Our innovative “Dispute Resolution” services preempt unproductive vendor contract arbitration alternatives or more serious litigation. Our goal is to get the corporate project “back-on‐track” and avoid costly attorney fees, time consuming depositions and disruptive legal action. ITX offers an unbiased viewpoint and completes an objective project assessment to identify valued work-to-date, pinpoint problem areas and identify system deficiencies. We lead a collaborative effort to revise the action plan, recommend good-will concessions, and determine resource needs and support level commitment. As brokers, we recognize each of the parties have a vested interest in a successful project outcome to protect their respective investment.