Determine What is Missing – Here we perform a fit and gap analysis. It’s time to look at your company’s needs and expectations versus any vendor hype to get a realistic understanding of the cost-of-ownership of your prospective solution. We need to know exactly what parts of the proposed solution exist and what does not. It is a matter of time, resources and money, and we want to know the cost of building what doesn’t exist.

And get Help if Needed – Your team may not have had experience with the chosen vendor or their solution. So, this is another point where you might consider getting assistance from ITX. We have been monitoring all vendors for many years. We know their clients and how they are progressing with current clients. This would be well worth the small fee to have ITX point out any issues so you have a more realistic plan.

To Close Any Gaps – We like all vendors but we want both sides to be successful. It is a good idea to know exactly what you are facing and try to work jointly, with the vendor, to get resolutions to any issues. For example: If you know a function does not exist, but will be delivered at a certain point, you can move forward. We need to understand specifically what the vendor is doing to shore up any deficiencies.